Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Assignment (Due 10/29): Choose a passage from one of the Anti-Federalist writers, write out the passage and give your interpretation of the passage, then explain what this passage means to you or why you chose it. Letter IV “…It is true, we are not disposed to differ much at present, about religion; but when we are making a constitution, it is to be hoped, for ages and millions yet unborn, why not establish the free exercise of religion, as part of the national compact. There are other essential rights, which we have justly understood to be the rights of freemen; as freedom from hasty and unreasonable search warrants, warrants not founded on oath and not issued with due caution, for searching and seizing men’s papers, property, and persons. The trials by jury in civil causes…” I chose this passage because it is the basis of our Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. I think that our founding fathers, some Federalists, some anti-Federalist came up with an amazing document. This document has stood up for over 200 years because it can be amended by the people governed. Just as our government is set up with checks and balances, I think that the argument between a powerful Federal Government versus the rights of the states has provided a balance of power. Go to the link for "American Politics." Look up the section "Federalism" and explain the differences between horizontal and vertical federalism. Veritical Federalism - The Constitution has granted to the Federal government power over foreign policy, defense, monetary policy and the regulation of commerce between the States. The rest of government is left, in theory, to the States and to local government which derive their authority from the States. http://toyatpol166.blogspot.com/2013/01/horizontalvertical-federalism.html Horizontal Federalism – is power divided between the 50 States. They have the power to establish laws, punish crime, build and staff schools, build roads. They receive funding from the Federal Government when they are in compliance with their policies.

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